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Insight Financial Associates

Annual Company Event

Insight welcome Jake Humphrey

Insight welcomed BT Sport presenter Jake Humphrey at their annual company event. On Friday 18t​ h of January, The Insight Group hosted their annual ‘Vision Day’. The company use this as a chance to come together as a wider group and share with one another the direction of the company. Every year, staff from the …

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January Market Commentary

January Market Commentary

A quiet wind down to Christmas? Everyone leaving their offices early and not much happening in the second half of the month? Nothing could be further from the truth: December was one of the most eventful months of the year and while there was some good news, it was eclipsed by falling stock markets as …

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Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax – Could there be a better alternative?

Inheritance tax is enormously unpopular to say the least. A YouGov poll found that 59% of the public deemed it unfair, making it the least popular of Britain’s 11 major taxes. What’s more, the tax has a limited revenue raising ability, with the ‘well advised’ often using gifts, trusts, business property relief and agricultural relief …

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Pensions Cold Calling

Pensions Cold-Calling

The long-awaited ban on pensions cold-calling is finally coming into force. From January 9 2019, the cold-calling of savers about anything to do with their pensions will become illegal. The new law doesn’t just cover phone calls. Any unsolicited emails or text messages about your pension will also be illegal. As it stands, not every …

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New Year Finances

New year, new you for your finances

With the new year comes new possibilities, and most of us like to put a resolution in place. While you might not stick to your January gym membership or finally get that novel written, committing yourself to a financial resolution is an excellent way to start 2019. Improving a financial situation has proven to be …

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Latest News

Latest News

So the Chancellor’s last Budget before Brexit has been delivered. In general, it was good news with an end to austerity being heralded and the growth forecast for 2019 increasing. Thinking of budgets got us wondering about the Christmas TV advertising budgets. It’s that time of year when speculation arises – will John Lewis outdo …

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Save money at Christmas

4 ways to save at Christmas without being a Scrooge

With your Christmas preparations, starting soon is the key to saving money. If you leave your shopping to the last minute, not only do you have to face the 23rd December high street chaos, you’ll miss out on the excellent deals that many retailers offer early in the festive shopping season. It’s incredibly easy to …

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5 key budget takeaways

5 key budget takeaways

This year Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his autumn budget a few weeks earlier than usual. Normally the budget is released in mid-November, but this year he gave the budget on 29 October. In the run up to Brexit, Hammond didn’t release any huge announcements. Perhaps he wants to leave plenty of room to accommodate for …

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3 pension changes

3 pension changes you may have missed in the budget

There was scarcely a mention of the ‘P’ word in October’s Budget speech (believe us, we were listening closely for it!). Instead, Hammond used the Budget speech as an opportunity to unveil his ‘rabbit in the hat’ changes to income tax thresholds, an increase in NHS mental health funding and a ban on future PFI …

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November Market Commentary

November Market Commentary

Introduction October was, to put it mildly, an eventful month. It was a month which saw the majority of markets on which we report down steeply, as fears of higher interest rates in the US combined with worries about the US/China trade war. There was, however, one market that went up sharply: Brazil elected a …

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