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Insight Financial Associates

Retire Early

What does it take to retire early?

The idea of retiring in your 50s or even your 40s sounds like a pipe-dream to most, what with the increased cost of living, inflation and other economic factors slowly eating away at your predicted earnings. This hasn’t stopped the rise of the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement, though, a new method of frugal …

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Is it time to cut out the jargon from pensions?

People simply aren’t saving enough into their pension funds. Despite the relative success of the auto-enrolment rollout and the increase of minimum contributions from 5% to 8%, there’s still a culture of misunderstanding surrounding pensions. With a reported 51% of the public believing that the minimum contributions are in line with the recommended rate of …

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Pensions Dashboard

What does a pensions dashboard mean for you?

The development of an online pensions dashboard has been given endorsement from the government and looks as though it will get official approval in 2019. So, what is a pensions dashboard? Keeping track of your pensions can be a real challenge, in fact there is currently over £5 billion worth of unclaimed pensions, sitting untouched. …

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Wha is a partial transfer?

What is a partial transfer?

The contents of this article are for information purposes only and do not constitute individual advice. You may have a defined benefit pension and be aware of pension transfers but not have heard of partial transfers. A partial transfer is a pension option that allows you to transfer a portion of your retirement fund to …

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Pensions Cold Calling

Pensions Cold-Calling

The long-awaited ban on pensions cold-calling is finally coming into force. From January 9 2019, the cold-calling of savers about anything to do with their pensions will become illegal. The new law doesn’t just cover phone calls. Any unsolicited emails or text messages about your pension will also be illegal. As it stands, not every …

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