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Insight Financial Associates

What are the proposed changes to IHT for siblings

What are the proposed changes to IHT for siblings?

At the moment, only those who are married or who are registered civil partners are exempt from paying inheritance tax (IHT) on money or property left to them by their spouse. This was expanded to include heterosexual civil partnerships at the end of 2019. But the law does not cover siblings who are cohabiting. They …

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Inheritance Tax

Gifting rules and inheritance tax, what you might not know

Following an in depth study conducted by the National Centre for Social Research (NCSR) and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), it has been discovered that only one in four people making financial gifts are aware of the risks of inheritance tax. Further to this, they found that only 45% of gifters reported being aware …

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Inheritance Tax

3 tips to avoiding inheritance tax

Benjamin Franklin famously said, ‘In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes’. ‘And if your estate is valued over all the available allowances, everything above these will be taxed at 40% when you die. Even in death there’s no relief from taxes! However, there are certain steps you can …

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Inheritance Tax

Inheritance Tax – Could there be a better alternative?

Inheritance tax is enormously unpopular to say the least. A YouGov poll found that 59% of the public deemed it unfair, making it the least popular of Britain’s 11 major taxes. What’s more, the tax has a limited revenue raising ability, with the ‘well advised’ often using gifts, trusts, business property relief and agricultural relief …

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