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Insight Financial Associates

What is Open Banking

What is open banking?

It’s a term we’ve heard a lot recently, so let’s take a close look at what open banking actually is, and how many people know about it. Open banking means allowing third-party financial services providers, such as budgeting apps, to access a person’s banking information, like their payment history and previous transactions. These services have …

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Why its important to have a will

Why it’s important to have a will

If you haven’t got a will, you don’t have control over what happens to your money and assets after you die. That means your wealth may not go to your chosen beneficiaries, and could cause lots of lengthy and costly legal issues for the loved ones you leave behind. Here are our top reasons why …

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Make the most of your investments

How to make the most of your investments

Investing is a good way to make your money work hard for you, so you can build wealth faster than you could if you put it in a savings account. But the value of your investments can go down as well as up and can expose you to a greater level of risk than leaving …

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Financial Market January 2023

Market Commentary January 2023

Introduction As 2022 drew to a close, there was a mixed picture worldwide as major economies sought to respond to soaring energy prices, rising living costs and the continuing impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In our first round-up of the year, we look at where we left off in 2022 all across the world… …

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